Monday, March 20, 2006

My 27th or Don't Let Me Drink That Much in One Hour

Ok, I've been slacking on posting these. Here are the wonderful weekend of my birthday pictures. I was so happy that all those who came into town could be here to celebrate. It was a good time.

We got to meet Efrat's friend Joy (on the left) who is very sweet and was fun to hang out with.

Yeah, these girls were going camera crazy (I think I have about 20 pics of them in some form of this pose).

This was actually after the bar. I think about 20 minutes before I ran to bed.

I am enjoying a wonderful drink as you can see. I don't even remember what it was, but it was big and apparently you have to drink it all at once.


Still mad at Jill for leaving.

Baufefin reunited!

I don't know what were talking about here but I'm either mad at Jo or I'm about to puke.

Good times, good times.

On Saturday we took a trip up to La Jolla coves. It took us some time to find it because the directions I had were awful. I hate it when you can get an exit from one side of the highway but not the other...causing you to turn around over and over. We finally found it after some impatience and car sickness.

It was a little cold.

But beautiful as always.

This is one of my favorites.

The seals were really cute.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

La Jolla coves is one of my most favorite places... Yes, and the seal's are so wonderful I just want to squeeze them.

12:17 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Wait! Why didn't I get taken there when I visited???

3:56 PM  

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