Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I'm Pissed

I had my first court appearance this morning. I spent most of last night tossing and turning, scared, and anxious. I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to take a tylenol PM...big mistake. At first it was the shakes, then it was a full blown hot/cold sweat. I think I woke up every hour and a half. By the time 6:00am rolled around, I was already awake. I drank my usual 2 cups of coffee, skipped breakfast, and headed out the door around 7:25am. I got downtown early (because I convinced myself that it would take me a half hour to get there even though I have done that drive thousands of times and it's only 10 minutes). So, I parked, got my parking validated, went to the bank, and then proceeded to walk around the courthouse to kill more time. By the time I got in there and sat down (still 15 minutes early), I had walked around so much that I started sweating profusely. Seriously sweating all over...my hair was wet and started to frizz. I went to the bathroom twice to mop the sweat off my face. Don't ask me why I thought it was a good idea to wear a long sleeve shirt with a sweater vest and a blazer in 65 degree weather. It could have also been my nervousness that contributed to that.

The doors opened around 8:20am and I went in...hesitant about whether to sit at the front reserved for attorneys...duh, I'm an attorney. I saw some other people from my class there which was fun. The room was a madhouse with all of the attorneys congregating and talking in the front (inside the little door that separates "them" from "us"). Finally after some confusion over whether I needed to check in with the Bailiff, my case was called. I knew it was numbers 10 and 11, and so as the Judge was approaching 7, 8, 9, my heart started thumping into my throat and I thought I would have to excuse myself for lack of voice. I get up to the podium, state my name and client for the record and then...then...hmmm...do I say anything? The City Attorney sure seems to be taking this one. Here's my chance to speak: "YES." That's what I said, that's all I said. Oh, and "thank you".

I'm so pissed I lost sleep over that!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honey Child:
Someone told me a story about your mama that was a little like what you are saying. Story goes that she spent a lot of time planning her office--you know, the seating, the lighting, and all that. She practiced and practiced where she would sit--where her patient would sit. She was very excited to begin her practice. The day came. She had her first patient. The patient came and sat in the waiting room. Then your mama asked the patient to come into the office. The patient came into the office. Then the patient sat in your mama's chair. Your mama was so dumbfounded she didn't know what to say. So your mama took the patient's chair.

Imagine that.

7:14 PM  
Blogger Danny Hein said...


11:38 AM  

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