Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Here are some pics from our Christmas in Arizona:

Meg took us to this cute little coffee shop/wine bar/music venue. Yes, they had it all. And really good cheesecake.

We met up with Aliza and Margaret who were visiting Margaret's family in Phoenix. We just hung out outside of a restaurant, talked and played cards. It was great.

After we left Phoenix, we headed down to Tucson to see Efrat and Jeff. This is a picture of me in their backyard (which is bigger than our entire apartment by the way), looking at all of the other identical backyards. Don't ask.

Huge backyard.

Preparing for dinner.

Everyone working so hard.

And me being a monkey.

We decided to start smoking in the garage so as to not wake the neighbors. This is where it gets interesting.

Yvonne thought it would be fun to have us line up for mug shots.


What a fun Christmas.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Time For Another Movie Review

I know, you have all been anxiously awaiting another one of my movie reviews. See, it has been some time since I have been to the theater. This week, I saw two new movies and just had to share my thoughts.

The Family Stone. One word can describe this movie. Awful. Maybe another good word, let's, awful is the only thing that comes to mind. Don't ask me why I thought this would be a good investment of $10. While Sarah Jessica Parker did break out of her "Sex and the City" character for this film, I just wanted to scream "stay in the city, bitch!". I know, I know, it was her "character" that was obnoxiously irritating and awkward (it made me cringe to the point of nausea). But, you know, her face never bothered me until I had to stare at it for 2 hours. I did, however, discover something about myself from this movie: it really bothers me when someone's eyes are too close together and they stare directly into a camera for an extended period of time. Good to know. Anyway, the bottom line for this movie is that no one should waste their time and money seeing this in the theater. Wait until it comes out on DVD. On second thought, don't torture yourself in your own home.

Of course after the agony of the previous movie, I had to calm my nerves and see something that might be worthwile. Brokeback Mountain was much better, although it won't make my all time favorite list. I see now why people are calling it the "gay cowboy" movie. Because it's about gay cowboys...duh! It was great seeing Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger play lovers. If you are hesitant about seeing this film, at least see it for the graphic and abrupt sex scene between the two. They will both be up for awards for this movie because it is a well known fact that if you are a straight actor who plays a gay character, you are headed for an Oscar. Other actors appearing were Randy Quaid, Anne Hathaway (of Princess Diaries fame), Michelle Williams, Anna Faris, and Linda Cardellini (of ER fame).

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Winter Wonderland

Yvonne and I took a last minute trip to Indiana this past weekend. Her mom flew us out so we could see the family since we already had plans for Christmas weekend. Despite the cold, ice, snow, and freezing rain, it was great!
We arrived Saturday afternoon and that evening I experienced my first Christmas cookie making marathon. I didn't realize how much work goes into making sugar cookies! Another batch to decorate?! Don't we already have 50 made? Sheesh!

This is Yvonne's nephew, Drew. I think this is the only pose he knows how to make for the camera. Apparently he has expert knowledge about bugs and placed high in an entimology competition. We tested him by quizzing him on the classifications of a lot of insects. It reminded me of my seventh grade Stanley Clark bug project.

I think Dan is sick of making cookies, too.

After the third or fourth batch, I discovered that if I cut a small hole in a plastic bag, I could create my own frosting tool. That's where the cookies took an interesting turn. I of course had to represent the Jews and made a menorah and some stars of David. There was also an evil dove, a snowman with a suit and tie, and a retro fish. Who knew I had a talent for decorating Christmas cookies!

I tried to stay positive despite the freezing weather and my "snow boots" that weren't made for snow and my "winter coat" that was made more for San Diego winters. This is the best I could come up with.

Yvonne didn't really hide her anger at the weather as you can see.

Oh, here's a nice one. See, we're not bitter! (bitter cold, maybe)

On Sunday, we had breakfast at a little place in Niles, Michigan. This is Yvonne's mom and uncle. After we ate, everyone insisted on standing outside and talking for about half an hour. Um, we could have sat at the table and done this! We have San Diegans here, people! I think it was apparent to everyone that I was not used to this weather anymore as I stood in the corner next to the door, shivering. I'm glad I gave them a good laugh.

Yvonne's cousin, Jen. I think she's really just using Jen's body heat to keep warm, but she insisted that she was posing.

After breakfast, we headed out. But not before passing a little place on US31 in Niles that brings back so many memories of my adolescence. Yes, we passed what used to be the Midnight Sun. For those of you who know this place, you will appreciate what it has become. A SYLVAN LEARNING CENTER! Apparently they figured a great place to have kids come to learn would be a nightclub where kids used to dance, smoke, and do a number of other unmentionables. Great choice, guys. Oh, the irony.

For those of you that endured your teenage years in the great city of South Bend, you may recognize this picture. Look closely.

That's right, it's Penn High School.

Oh, but we didn't just drive by. No, we went inside. Yvonne's cousin had a basketball game there. I don't think I have been inside since I graduated almost, oh geez, nine years ago.

So many tortured memories (particularly of this gym where we were forced to attend pep rallys and participate in "phys ed"). I tried to go to the main entrance way of the school but they had it blocked off. But, I did find my freshman year locker. You know, the school is just as big as I remember.

On Sunday night, we had dinner with the fam. These are Yvonne's newphews, Zach and Drew.

This is Yvonne's niece, Harley. She was apparently afraid of the camera and this is the best shot I got. She is an identical image of her mother, it's almost eerie.

This is Yvonne's other niece, Trinity. I think she is the cutest little girl I have seen in a long time. In this picture she's saying "princess". Adorable.

On Monday, we planned to surprise all of our friends that didn't know we were in the Bend. First was Kara. I told her to be home Monday morning because a special package was to arrive. Of course she forgot all about it and was sleeping when we knocked at 10am.

She actually came downstairs in a towel and then ran back up and put on her shirt (backwards). It was great.

Then we went to Sara's, who was also sleeping. Yvonne went into her room to surprise her while Dan and I stood in the living room. We heard Sara say "I'm completely naked but I don't care!" Surprises are so much fun.

We planned to surprise Tricia that night when she got off work. So, we shopped during the day and then headed over there later. It was also her birthday so we knew she was going to freak out. When we got there and she saw us, she kept saying "shut up!" and walking through the doors to her apartment, shutting them on us. I really think she believed she was hallucinating.

We all had dinner that night at Outback Steakhouse.

We headed back to Tricia's after dinner and had to play some Euchre. It's always a blast when Tricia and Yvonne are partners in Euchre. If you've played with them, you know what I'm saying.

On Tuesday, we hung out at Yvonne's grandma's house. We played some chess and then went to her aunt and uncle's house to see their new Xbox 360. Pretty nice.

After dinner we went to Jenni's and Kara's (Jenni lives below Kara in the same house). It was great to see Jenni. Of course there was more Euchre to be had.

Jenni's kitty is cute.

Gotta love her.

Jenni was in the mood to show her butt that evening.

We had a bit of fun with Kara who was very intoxicated after drinking an entire bottle of wine (go Kara!). Here's the progression:

Oh, it's funny!

It's so funny I'm going to fall over!

Um, I don't feel so well, guys.

I sleep now.

Now that's a trip to the Midwest.