Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Islamic States of America?

I came across an article on that reviews a book entitled "Prayers for the Assassin" by Robert Ferrigno. In the book, Ferrigno portrays a fictional world where the terrorists won the "war on terror" and the United States became The Islamic States of America, covering most of the northern and western regions of the country.

In addition to the book, Ferrigno's publisher has devised a unique and creative way to advertise the book:

Check it out. It's a taste of what life is like in The Islamic States of America in 2036.

What Do You Believe?

Ok, I'm not one who necessarily buys into conspiracy theories and it usually takes a lot of well founded evidence for me to be convinced. I found this film interesting and thought provoking...whether I am convinced, I don't know. But I am intrigued.

The quality of this film is not the best but you'll get the message

Friday, February 24, 2006

1955, What a Year

Here's a great guide for all you married gals out there.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Vicky, What Were You Thinking?

I was skimming through a Victoria's Secret catalogue the other day and came across this ad. Take a close look at the picture and see if you can tell if there is something strange about it.

Do you see it?

Why does this blonde woman have a black foot?!

Memories Shared

Yvonne got a scanner for her birthday and so of course I am going through old pictures and scanning them in. I thought I would share some amusing memories.

I was cool even then! I believe this is an 8th grade trip to D.C. It's hard to see in the picture, but I am wearing my favorite chuck taylors. And you have to love that jacket I'm wearing.

Here is one page in my very short-lived modeling career. Brooke and I thought it would be a great idea to pose with Duke (our sweet lab) and take pictures. I think we wanted to submit them to Teen Magazine. Not one of our greatest idea moments.

"Fantastic!" said Time Magazine. "Exceptional use of color and dog!" said Teen Bop.

One night during our high school years, Brooke and I were pondering life's greatest, society, religion. After several hours of questioning ideas with no answers, it hit us...the answer to one of life's greatest inquiries: where did Jesus come from? Our answer:


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Portfolio, Page 2

And yet again, I have embarked on another home improvement project. I will tell myself it's for the purpose of beautifying our surroundings, but I know its real purpose is to maintain my sanity and break up my days of perpetually staring at the computer wondering why no one wants to call me for an interview.

This bookshelf was originally bare pine. I really didn't grasp the involvement staining requires until I spent two days trying to finish this piece.

My inspiration for the two toned pattern (mahogany and pecan) was from a piece I saw at a very high end furniture store. Yvonne actually designed the pattern...we love it.

We had to sand this puppy down really well (which took sooooo long). It looks much better without the stained tarp underneath. We realized that we were going to need more stain, so we took a second trip to Lowe's. Almost immediately upon opening the new can, Yvonne knocked it over, spilling 3/4 of its contents onto the tarp. Yay. I also got some significant drops on the carpet (yikes) and wondered how that was ever going to come out. "Goof-off" is a miracle cleaner.

We plan on doing the end tables in a similar pattern but have decided to wait for that and let our apartment air out a bit. A small tip: when working with fumes of any kind, make sure to open a lot of windows.

Since we had the tarp out, we also painted our old patio chair and an even older (and nastier) bookshelf.

Now that we have leftover paint, you know I'm thinking about what else needs painting.

To be continued....